Culinary Kits
Varieties: Gourmet (parsley, basil and coriander), Pizza (oregano, basil and cherry tomato), Mojito (peppermint, basil and spearmint), Spicy (chili pepper, habanero and jalapeño), Salads (rocket, cherry tomato and lamb’s lettuce), Desserts (strawberry, blackberry and mint), Provencal (rosemary, oregano and thyme), Super foods (chia, kale and quinoa), Gin & tonic (rosemary, strawberry and cucumber), Edible flowers (marigold, pansy and nasturtium) and Hamburger (lettuce, tomato and mustard).
Contents: 3 Seed balls covered in tissuepaper, 3 Biodegradable pots, 3 Substrate discs and 3 Growing sheets. The wooden boxes are manufactured at a special employment centre, which provides support, training, and real opportunities to people at risk of social exclusion.
How to use your kit
Hydrate the substrate tablet
Crumble it into the pot
Semi bury the seedbomb
Water it dialy without flooding
In a few days it’ll sprout
Tips for a good germination
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Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Fuss. Umbelíferas
Sow from the end of winter to the end of summer. Can take 3 to 6 weeks to germinate. It can also be grown inside the house all throughout the year, provided it gets a lot of sunlight and an approximate temperature of 18ºC. Needs at least 2 hours of light a day, tolerating both shade and full sunlight. It really likes the heat, although it can adapt to wet climates and resists the cold well. Place in loose soil, better in humid and nitrogenous soils. Needs plenty of water, always keep the soil wet but without flooding it.
Ocimum basilicum var. genevese L. Labiada
It is sown in mid-spring and takes about 10-15 days to sprout. It can also be grown indoors throughout the year, providing them with plenty of sunlight and a temperature of approximately 18ºC. It needs direct sun exposure, but sheltered, tolerating some shade. At the beginning of its cultivation and towards the end of summer, we should apply some nitrogen-rich compost. Water abundantly, keeping the substrate always moist but without flooding.
Coriandrum sativum L. Umbelíferas
This is a very difficult plant to grow at home. It is resistant to frost, but you must grow it in the ground. It needs a lot of light. Can also be grown inside the house all throughout the year, provided it gets a lot of sunlight and an approximate temperature of 18ºC. Very moderate watering needed, not resistant to flooding. Does not require specific nutrients. Place in loose soil. Use mature compost or humus, does not like fresh fertiliser. We recommend harvesting first thing in the morning on cloudy days.
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Oryganum vulgare L. Lamiáceas
Sow at the end of winter or the start of spring. This plant grows slowly. It can also be grown inside the house all throughout the year, provided it gets a lot of sunlight and an approximate temperature of 18ºC. Prefers full sunlight and a dry climate, but does resist the cold well. Water moderately, does not like being flooded. Wait until the surrounding soil dries before watering again. At the start of the summer flowering period, cut off the flowered stems. Better towards midday.
Ocimum basilicum var. genevese L. Labiada
It is sown in mid-spring and takes about 10-15 days to sprout. It can also be grown indoors throughout the year, providing them with plenty of sunlight and a temperature of approximately 18ºC. It needs direct sun exposure, but sheltered, tolerating some shade. At the beginning of its cultivation and towards the end of summer, we should apply some nitrogen-rich compost. Water abundantly, keeping the substrate always moist but without flooding.
Solanum lycopersicum L. Solanáceas
Ideal for beginner vegetable growers as it is a very easy plant to look after. Choose a very sunny place, as its optimal temperature is 15-20ºC and it doesn’t tolerate frost. Begin by watering often and the first sprouts will appear after a week. Then, water only once or twice a week, as the excess humidity may give rise to fungus. After germination, transplant directly into the ground or into a 20-litre pot, adding natural fertiliser or compost for it to develop correctly.
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Capsicum annuum L. Solanáceas
Los mejores meses para realizar la siembra son febrero y marzo eligiendo una ubicación muy soleada, teniendo en cuenta que no resiste las heladas. Los riegos deben ser abundantes durante los 15-20 días que tardan en salir los brotes y a continuación moderados, evitando tanto la desecación como el encharcamiento y mojado de las hojas. Cuando las plantas alcancen un tamaño razonable, transplantar directamente a la tierra o a una maceta de 10 litros añadiendo abono natural o compost para un correcto desarrollo. La recolección de los frutos se realiza desde mediados de verano hasta finales de otoño.
Capsicum chinense Jaq. Solanáceas
Sow at the end of winter, in a very sunny spot, taking into account that this plant does not resist frost. Must be very well watered during the 15-20 days that the sprouts take to come out, and then moderately watered, avoiding both drying out and flooding. Once the plants have grown to a reasonable size, transplant directly into the ground or into a 10-litre pot, adding natural fertiliser or compost for them to develop correctly. Young plants are green, but their colour will vary when mature.
Capsicum annuum var. annuum L. Solanáceas
The best months for sowing are February and March, in a very sunny spot, taking into account that the plant doesn’t resist frost. Must be very well watered during the 15-20 days that the sprouts take to come out, and then moderately watered, avoiding both drying out and flooding or soaking the leaves. Once the plants have grown to a reasonable height, transplant directly into the ground or into a 10-litre pot, adding natural fertiliser or compost for them to develop correctly. Fruits can be harvested between the middle of summer until the end of autumn.
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Mentha piperita L. Lamiáceas
Crece mejor en lugares de sombra o semi sombra. No tolera el exceso de sol, aunque si necesita lugares muy luminosos. Se puede cultivar en el interior de casa durante todo el año, ofreciéndole mucho sol y una temperatura aproximada de 18ºC. Riego abundante y regular. El encharcamiento excesivo favorece la aparición de hongos. Regar sobretodo en los momentos de cosecha. Se puede cosechar dos veces al año, una en primavera y otra a comienzos de otoño.
Ocimum basilicum var. genevese L. Labiada
It is sown in mid-spring and takes about 10-15 days to sprout. It can also be grown indoors throughout the year, providing them with plenty of sunlight and a temperature of approximately 18ºC. It needs direct sun exposure, but sheltered, tolerating some shade. At the beginning of its cultivation and towards the end of summer, we should apply some nitrogen-rich compost. Water abundantly, keeping the substrate always moist but without flooding.
Mentha spicata L. Lamiáceas
Fácil de sembrar y mantener durante todo el año, se adapta a cualquier tipo de clima tanto en interior como en exterior siendo la primavera la época más adecuada . Se puede cultivar en semisombra aunque la potencia de su olor y sus aceites será mayor si se hace a pleno sol. Necesita ser regada con regularidad y que el sustrato esté húmedo pero no empapado, no resisten muy bien la desecación. Les gusta ser cosechadas y podadas con regularidad. No combinar con otras plantas en la misma maceta porque sus raíces son muy vigorosas.
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Salvia rosmarinus L. Lamiáceas
An aromatic perennial shrub used as a condiment to meat and fish. Sow at the end of winter inside or in spring if outside. Germination is slow, so we advise that you keep the soil wet without flooding until the seedlings appear and place in a spot where the plant will get enough sunlight. Once germinated, water when the ground is dry, as the plant will not tolerate excess moisture. Once the plant reaches about 10 cm, transplant directly into the ground or to a pot, adding natural fertiliser or compost, and place in full sunlight. Harvest the young shoots twice a year.
Fragaria vesca L. Rosáceas
Sow at the end of the summer or beginning of autumn, although it can also be done all throughout the year. Always keep the soil wet, and the sprouts will appear after one month. Transplant to a 30cm-diameter flowerpot stand when the plants reach 5-7 cm. Place in a spot where the plants will get 6-8 hours of direct sun to make sure they flower. This plant resists low temperatures very well. Avoid soaking and drying out the soil. Harvest from May onwards.
Cucumis sativus L. Curcubitáceas
Sow from April to June outside or from February onwards inside. Keep the soil wet without flooding until germination occurs. Place the young plants away from direct sunlight and transplant directly into the ground or a 20-litre pot. When they reach 15 cm, place in full sunlight, and avoid soaking or drying out the soil. It is a very expansive plant, so it would be a good idea to place it in a net or along a stake so that it grows upwards and takes up less space. We recommend harvesting the cucumbers young in order to enjoy all of their flavour.
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Lactuca sativa L. Compuestas
An annual plant with long shoots and crunchy leaves. Sow in winter-spring. The optimal temperature for germination is 20ºC. Keep the soil wet without flooding, and germination will occur after approximately 5- 10 days. We recommend placing the crop in the fridge for the first two days to activate the seeds. The germination time is approximately 8 days. Once the plants have grown 5-7 leaves, transplant them, one by one, to the ground or a 30 cm pot. They need to be exposed to full sunlight and watered frequently. Fertilise once a month with organic fertiliser. Harvest after 60 days.
Solanum lycopesicum var. L. Solanáceas
A herbaceous and perennial plant. Sow inside December-February or outside March-April. The optimal temperature for germination is 20ºC. Keep the soil wet without flooding it, germination will occur after approximately 10 days. When the plants reach 10-15 cm, transplant them, one by one, to the ground or a 40 cm pot. They need at least 8 hours of sun and are sensitive to drying out. Leave the soil to dry out between watering. Add a stake to keep the stems straight. Fertilise once a month. Harvest after 150 days.
Sinapis alba L. Brasicáceas
An herbaceous plant, typical of the Mediterranean region. Sow outside in spring or inside all throughout the year. The optimal temperature for germination is 20ºC. Keep the soil wet without flooding, and germination will occur after approximately 5-10 days. When the plants reach 10-15 cm, transplant them, one by one, to the ground or a 30 cm pot. The plants need to be exposed to full sunlight and watered when the top layer of soil is dry. Fertilise once a month with organic fertiliser. Harvest the pods when they change colour from green to brown.
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Fragaria vesca L. Rosáceas
Sow at the end of the summer or beginning of autumn, although it can also be done all throughout the year. Always keep the soil wet, and the sprouts will appear after one month. Transplant to a 30cm-diameter flowerpot stand when the plants reach 5-7 cm. Place in a spot where the plants will get 6-8 hours of direct sun to make sure they flower. This plant resists low temperatures very well. Avoid soaking and drying out the soil. Harvest from May onwards.
Mentha piperita L. Lamiáceas
Crece mejor en lugares de sombra o semi sombra. No tolera el exceso de sol, aunque si necesita lugares muy luminosos. Se puede cultivar en el interior de casa durante todo el año, ofreciéndole mucho sol y una temperatura aproximada de 18ºC. Riego abundante y regular. El encharcamiento excesivo favorece la aparición de hongos. Regar sobretodo en los momentos de cosecha. Se puede cosechar dos veces al año, una en primavera y otra a comienzos de otoño.
Morus nigra L. Moráceas
Sow preferably in spring or autumn. Crumble soil well so that no compact pieces remain and spray with water, so that the soil is kept watered without being soaked. The seeds will germinate after 2-3 weeks. When the plant reaches 10 cm, transplant to a pot, reduce to watering only twice a week and place it in a spot where it will receive the most sunlight possible. This plant is a slowly growing tree and does not require a lot of particular care or compost. It will take approximately 3 years to produce fruits. Harvest the fruits in the summer.
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Salvia rosmarinus L. Lamiáceas
An aromatic perennial shrub used as a condiment to meat and fish. Sow at the end of winter inside or in spring if outside. Germination is slow, so we advise that you keep the soil wet without flooding until the seedlings appear and place in a spot where the plant will get enough sunlight. Once germinated, water when the ground is dry, as the plant will not tolerate excess moisture. Once the plant reaches about 10 cm, transplant directly into the ground or to a pot, adding natural fertiliser or compost, and place in full sunlight. Harvest the young shoots twice a year.
Oryganum vulgare L. Lamiáceas
Se siembra a finales de invierno o principios de primavera. Es de desarrollo lento. Se puede cultivar en el interior de casa durante todo el año, ofreciéndole mucho sol y una temperatura aproximada de 18ºC. Prefiere pleno sol y clima seco, pero resiste bien el frío. Riego moderado, no le gusta el encharcamiento. Se espera a que la tierra de alrededor se seque antes de volver a regar. Al inicio de la floración de verano se cortan los tallos floridos. Mejor hacia mediodía.
Thymus vulgaris L. Lamiáceas
Sow inside at the end of winter and keep the soil wet without flooding until germination occurs, after approximately 15-30 days. When the plant reaches 15 cm, you can transplant to a pot or directly into the ground. It needs a good few hours of sun to grow and does not tolerate excess watering, so water only when the earth is dry. Harvest the leaves from the end of spring until the start of autumn, leaving enough leaves so that it can resist the winter.
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Salvia hispanica L. Lamiáceas
Sow at the end of winter and the start of spring. Keep the soil wet without flooding until germination occurs. While the plants are young, place away from direct sunlight and water moderately. When the sprouts reach 7 cm, transplant each plant individually into the ground or into 40 cm pots. Place in full sunlight or partial shade and water when the soil is dry. Does not tolerate excess water or frost. Harvest after 120 days, when the flowers have lost their petals, cutting the flower heads from the plants and leaving them to dry in a paper bag.
Brassica oleracea var. sabellica L. Brasicáceas
Sow during spring or winter. Keep the soil wet without flooding for 7 days until germination occurs. Place the seedlings away from direct sun and water frequently. Transplant directly into the ground or into 25 litre pots when the plants reach 20 cm. The optimal temperature is 10-20ºC. The plant tolerates frost, but not excess heat or drought. Place in a bright spot, which avoids the sun during the hottest parts of the day. It is an ideal crop for autumn. Harvest leaf by leaf after 90 days following transplant.
Chenopodium quinoa WILLD. Amarantéceas
Sow at the beginning of spring outside, or inside if there is a risk of frost. Keep the soil wet without flooding until germination occurs and then reduce the watering frequency. When the plants reach 15 cm, transplant them individually into the ground or in 40 cm pots and place in full sunlight. This plant tolerates drought, except during the flowering period. Harvest after 90-120 days when the plant starts to wither and the grains become hard. Wash the grains in lots of water and leave them to completely dry before storing.
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Valerianella locusta L. Valerianáceas
Easy to grow both inside and outside. Sow preferably at the end of summer or autumn in 10 cm-diameter pots. Does not tolerate heat or drought well. Can be exposed to light or in partial shade. Needs to be constantly watered, without being flooded. Harvest is carried out 6 weeks after sowing, by cutting the biggest leaves off so that the rest of the plant can continue to produce. In the spring, the plant flowers and can no longer be consumed. After harvesting the leaves, consume within 2-3 days.
Eruca sativa Mill. Crucíferas
This plant is easy to grow and grows quickly. Sow the seeds at any time during the year. Does not tolerate excess heat or drought. For optimal growth, the plants require 3-litre pots. Keep the soil watered during the germination period (8-10 days), then reduce the watering frequency. At the end of a few weeks, you can start to cut the outer leaves, leaving the rest of the plant intact so that it can continue producing until it flowers. The flowers are also edible. After harvesting the leaves, consume within 2-3 days.
Solanum lycopersicum L. Solanáceas
Ideal for beginner vegetable growers as it is a very easy plant to look after. Choose a very sunny place, as its optimal temperature is 15-20ºC and it doesn’t tolerate frost. Begin by watering often and the first sprouts will appear after a week. Then, water only once or twice a week, as the excess humidity may give rise to fungus. After germination, transplant directly into the ground or into a 20-litre pot, adding natural fertiliser or compost for it to develop correctly.
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Calendula officinalis L. Compuestas
This plant is not fussy and is easy to grow. Sow in spring or summer, inside or outside. Always keep the soil watered until germination occurs, approximately two weeks after sowing. When the plant reaches about 10 cm, transplant to a 30 cm pot or directly into the ground, in a sunny spot. Only the petals are edible. Their flavour varies from spicy to bitter, similar to saffron, and they can be used, cooked or raw, in soups, stews and rice dishes.
Viola spp. Violáceas
Sow in the summer months, inside or outside. Until germination occurs, keep the soil wet without flooding. When the plants reach 5 cm, transplant to a 10 cm-diameter pot, place in full sunlight and water only when the soil is dry. Transplant for the last time directly into the ground or a big enough plant box when the plant has grown into an adult. Tolerates low temperatures, but does not tolerate its roots being flooded. Its gentle flavour ties in perfectly with desserts, drinks and garnishes.
Tropaeolum majus L. Tropeoláceas
Sow in autumn or spring, outside or inside, taking into account that the plant does not tolerate frost. Keep the soil wet without flooding until germination occurs, after two weeks. When the plant reaches about 10 cm, transplant to a 20 cm pot or directly into the ground, in a sunny spot or half in the shade, and water when the ground is dry. Both the flowers and the leaves are edible. Can be added to salads or cheese boards, bringing a spicy and fresh note.
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