Burger Fan

Burgers are one of the most beloved foods around the world. They have conquered our taste buds with their combinations of flavors and textures.

With this kit, you’ll grow three of their most popular ingredients: tomatoes, pickles, and lettuce.

Enjoy growing your own ingredients!

The kit includes: 3 biodegradable grow bags, 3 substrate tablets, 1 tomato seed bomb, 1 pickle seed bomb, 1 lettuce seed bomb, and use instructions.


resetea flores atlanticas


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How to use your kit

Place the substrate tablets in a container with water.

Drain the water and insert the substrate into the cultivation bags. Place the bags on a plate.

Partially bury the seed bombs in the substrate.

Keep the soil moist (without flooding) until the seeds begin to germinate. Then, allow to dry between each watering.

Avoid direct sunlight for the first few days; they need brightness and indirect light.

Around the tenth day after sprouting, it’s time to place them in their final location. Insert each cultivation bag into the soil of the final pot. Once in the soil, it will degrade quickly, leaving space for the roots.

Tips for a proper growth


Ideal for beginner vegetable growers as it is a very easy plant to look after. Choose a very sunny place, as its optimal temperature is 15-20ºC and it doesn’t tolerate frost. Begin by watering often and the first sprouts will appear after a week. Then, water only once or twice a week, as the excess humidity may give rise to fungus. After germination, transplant directly into the ground or into a 20-litre pot, adding natural fertiliser or compost for it to develop correctly.


Sow from April to June outside or from February onwards inside. Keep the soil wet without flooding until germination occurs. Place the young plants away from direct sunlight and transplant directly into the ground or a 20-litre pot. When they reach 15 cm, place in full sunlight, and avoid soaking or drying out the soil. It is a very expansive plant, so it would be a good idea to place it in a net or along a stake so that it grows upwards and takes up less space.


An annual plant with long shoots and crunchy leaves. Sow in winter-spring. The optimal temperature for germination is 20ºC. Keep the soil wet without flooding, and germination will occur after approximately 5- 10 days. We recommend placing the crop in the fridge for the first two days to activate the seeds. The germination time is approximately 8 days. Once the plants have grown 5-7 leaves, transplant them, one by one, to the ground or a 30 cm pot. They need to be exposed to full sunlight and watered frequently. Fertilise once a month with organic fertiliser. Harvest after 60 days.

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